Project Proponent Information

SB 27 provides two paths by which natural and working lands-based and direct air capture projects may be listed. Natural and working lands-based projects include actions such as those contained in the Natural and Working Lands Climate Smart Strategy, and the California Climate Adaptation Strategy.

The first path (Pathway A) allows projects to be listed if they applied for, and met all requirements for, state programs funded from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) or other funding sources, but were not funded due to a lack of sufficient funding. Projects that sought state funds are subject to further minimum requirements set by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). The second path (Pathway B) allows proponents of projects in California to apply to CNRA to have a project listed on the Registry. SB 27 includes several minimum criteria for projects to be listed under this path, including quantification of expected carbon removal benefits.

In order to list a project, you will need the following information: project name, type, location, description, and cost; carbon removal benefit documentation; climate resilience and other benefits indication; landscape type (natural and working lands-based projects only); CEQA analysis (direct air capture projects only); local community and/or tribal information; grant attestation (Pathway A only); and organization name and contact(s).

SB 27 prohibits projects listed on the Registry from creating credits for market-based compliance mechanisms developed or administered by CARB pursuant to the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. Projects listed on the Registry also cannot be used by any state or private entity to offset a statutory or regulatory obligation to reduce emissions under that Act.

Projects will be removed from the Registry’s eligible project listing once they are funded. Projects must provide monitoring and reporting data on carbon removal benefits over time to CNRA.

Ready to list a project on the Registry?